and Society
HENNEO was born with a firm commitment to Spain and to Society, something that was clearly laid out in the first issue of the Heraldo de Aragón, published on 20th September 1985. The main text of that edition was titled ‘First and foremost’ and, without further preamble, it explained to its readers that these two pillars were of prime importance to the newspaper’s founders. 125 years on, those solid principles have remained unchanged. Moreover, today there is an additional one: a commitment to good journalism, quality journalism that is, above all else, driven by truth and committed to keeping close to the people.
to society
HENNEO seeks to implement its fundamental principles, its commitment to society and to Spain, in every single action it undertakes every day.
VISIBILITY, on a daily basis, of those initiatives which encourage the solidarity and cohesion of the country.
RECOGNITION of the personal and professional involvement of those who seek a better society, through awards such as the Premio Henneo, Premios Líderes, Premios Heraldo, Premios 20blogs, Premios 20minutos, etc.
DETERMINED BACKING OF TALENT DEVELOPMENT to achieve a society that is qualified and inspired, through Hiberus University, for example, and multiple educational programmes and training agreements with prestigious organisations.
PROMOTION OF EQUALITY BETWEEN MEN AND WOMEN in the media, something that HENNEO defends “in-house”, and all around the world, through a programme signed with the European Commission.
A COMMITMENT to recognised, non-profit organisations.
RESPECT FOR THE ENVIRONMENT which is endorsed by the Heraldo de Aragón’s ISO 9000 and the Impresa Norte ISO 14001 certification, the first national newspaper printing plant to receive such certification.
Furthermore, HENNEO possesses the seal of corporate social responsibility in Aragon, which is awarded by the Government of Aragon through the Instituto Aragonés de Fomento, in collaboration with CEOE Aragón, CEPYME Aragón, CCOO Aragón and UGT Aragón.
A policy of responsible management towards all our public, which impregnates our character and modus operandi. Our wish is to increase these actions, which connect with our people and with our society. At HENNEO, we will spare no effort in fulfilling this task.

to journalism
The main challenge facing HENNEO today is to continue practising journalism, good journalism. Quality journalism that is, above all else, driven by truth and committed to keeping close to the people.
We are convinced that, for journalism to continue to be the primary guardian of democracy and citizens’ freedoms, strong and viable news media companies are necessary. They guarantee that the news is independent, and fight against bad practices within the profession and misinformation, or ‘fake news’, something that is so prevalent in these tumultuous and changing times.
In this scenario, it is more necessary than ever to vindicate the figure of the journalist, of the qualified professional who, with criteria, is able to select, verify, contextualise and explain news events with integrity in the face of this cyclone that is shaking us all. Not all information is interesting, but all that is interesting is information.
At HENNEO, we will – always – put our faith in editorial fortitude, credibility, and the vocation to serve the people.
These same values have designed our roadmap over the years, and they continue to guide the group’s decisions to this day in its consolidation process. Since the foundation of the Heraldo de Aragón, more than 125 years ago, the different generations of publishers have not wavered one inch from their commitment to good journalism, and to the society they serve in the field of news; a challenge we are keeping alive.